ECommerce | Payment Gateway Solutions

Building a Shopping cart for your Online Business in this Internet age is going to be a norm if you want to survive in the fast changing world of online business. We at KTS InfoTech foresee this fact more than a decade and are in Online Software Sales Business for the past 14 years. We had initially created the payment gateway modules for Ourself and then for other customers all around the world and we now have ready made Payment Gateway Modules for Paypal , Stripe , .PauUMoney , RazorPay that can be integrated with your system to develop solutions for your Online Business faster..

You can get the details of the Off-The-Shelf  ECommerce Solution form the link

As a Case Study , Please see the Shopping cart on this site that provide One Time License as well as a Monthly Subscription License for POS Business in India.

We also Provide Custom E-Commerce , Payment Gateway and other related Solutions to different types of organizations based on their specific requirements using the payment gateway middle-ware stacks as well.

If you need more information or want to discuss about your ECommerce project, please fill up the form below. One of our representative will be in touch with you soon.

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